Without much ado, Pak Lah has sworn out from the office of Umno Presidency taking effect from March, 2009. He will still be the Umno President and the Prime Minister for 5 more months before he goes for retirement. Though unwillingly, he still maintained his pretended cool, kitty smiling and shook hand with his Deputy, a sibling rival, one who had put a knife in his back! It was a scene of apathetic blended with pathetic characters!
A bit to my surprise, Pak Lah wished to choose step down much more earlier than his proposed transition plan. Minutes before he went to announce his relinquishment, his staunch supporters of whom inclusive of some senior Ministers had flanked along the passage of his official residence, tugged banner to urge him to stay, promising that they will trade in enough nominations for him to stand for the incumbent post of Umno President. He shocked all his supporters by his ultra-decisiveness this time, affirmatively stick on to the fidelity of his consent to step down not later than March next year! His declaration to step down earlier inevitably and immediately have seen Najib, Muhyddin and those who wanted him out indulged in revelry even before Pak Lah rounded up his footnote in the conference room. This is the reality of politics, this is also facts of life in the tricky and hypocritical arena of politics where all politicians will have to face and take it. The fittest survive! It's akin to in the boxing ring, when Foreman was TKO by Tyson, all his fans would prop him up and Foreman would be left bleeding and unheeded! It takes time for Pak Lah to get himself consoled and return to calmness from sentiments of complexity!
Now that the falcon is taking over the cuckoo's nest. Before the falcon dwells in, come with the crows, boisterous and flapping wings wanting to fight for second fiddle position in the nest! Impudently the cuckoo was snubbed at relentlessly and all the used to be cordiality has immediately subsided and disappeared!
By looking at this scenario of a wild life's tussle for survival feast, if Pak Lah were to rethink and regret of his mistake to make such a lightly decision of succumbing to the power wrest, would it not be possible that he flip-flop for the last time in his political life? In order to gain back his self-respect and dignity as a man of honor, if he were to change his mind now and stay on to fight is not irrelevant to a typical politician should behave and display! After all, the choice of leaderships in the present Umno is subjected to choose amongst the less stink since many of whom have been burdened with all kinds of baggage. Based on the many second opinions and even the majority vox-pop poll, Pak Lah's benign character and the Mr Clean's image is more of less inferior to his deputy Najib's heavy baggage in consists of many dirty linen! Dr Mahatir has concurred that Najib will not be a better Prime Minister implied to mean that there is no better alternative in the present peers of leaderships in Umno, let alone Ku Li who is from the external core of the main body!
Pak Lah should stay, if he truly means serious to commit changes and reforms for the Nation's judiciary systems and his anti-corruption propaganda! He should not only mean business but also he should mean faithful and honest to rebuild his integrity! With all these reshuffled, I believe the Rakyat can still let him the opportunity to prove and deliver his manifesto. Wasn't his manifesto worked during the 2004 election whence he won by landslide? Provided he is truthful, he is honest, he rectifies from his flip-flop policy, his indecisiveness, and provided also, he changes from not listening to the fourth floor boys too much and lend his ears more often to listen to the Rakyat, changes as the rakyat fairly requests, changes for betterment, changes to be more more just and liberal, changes to respect universal democracy and so on and so forth.....! I am sure and will I dare to stake my trusts and future in him, Pak Lah the Prime Minister! It takes a real man to have a very clear conscience to do all these and I see there isn't much irregularity in Pak Lah and that he can do it!
If at all he has already given up, I have no further comment but to sigh - Woe is Pak Lah!
In politics, a man too kind is a man too harsh for himself! Knowing his comrades are planning to topple him, instead of turning harsh on them, Pak Lah chose to compromise and succumb to their plot by giving way to step down! This is a failure for him! Not worth it! His success should be more than merely taking care of the few interests if he were to keep them unheeded and strive for national interests!