Believe it or not, seems like nature has its augur and it doesn't bode well, ever since the dark Friday on 12th September, the day when Raja Petra, Teresa Kok the MP and the Sin Chew Daily reporter's arrests under ISA, the sky since that day onwards, has been gloomy and torrential rains and storms have been evidenced till todate, so quirk for almost one whole month! Even though the two latter had been released within short while, which had set the record in the history of ISA arrests, the fastest release within days, but, Raja Petra is still under captive. He is now put under solitary detention in the detention camp at Kemunting, Taiping!
Today at 8.25am, he was brought to PJ session court for a hearing of his trial charged with Sedition Act. He wrote an article in his blog - Malaysia Today, whereas it was accused as containing defamatory and seditious elements in his 9 paragraph of writings! The article was wrote with the title - "Lets send the Altantuya murderers to hell"! The charge if it's convicted, may send RPK to jail term of 3 years or RM5,000 fine or both! He is the first blogger in the country, or perhaps, in the world who has been charged with the so-called Sedition Act, another antiquated law in Malaysia! In a Country which advocates democratic rule of law, yet, to have such a law to gag the freedom of speech isn't it irrelevant and antiquated in the spirit of universal democracy?!
When the law abiding civil citizens are in great anxiety and distress in all bewilderment of where the Nation is heading to, how the Government that be is dealing with the administration of the Country's ever gloomy and doomy political and economical crisis, amidst the global economics crisis, it seems our Government is still not well prepared, not well geared to face the worst of its kind atomic blow which is looming towards this region of fragile economies in structure, where most of the Asian counterparts have not been fully recovered from the financial crisis, led by Soros, ten years ago! When the US Congress was forced to approve the US700 billions financial-market rescue plan after the first motion was rejected, we being a developing Country merely owns a less resourceful 120 billions in reserves to prepare to head on the crash with the fire-storms inevitably will scotch through the whole region! That was at best our Finance Minister could release in statement as the tranquilizing pill to console and quell the market sentiments!
The eminent effect of the disastrous blow has been evidenced from the Asian shares markets plunged with the regional lion markets such like China, Japan, Taiwan, Singapore etc. had not been exempted! They are all in the stage of panics and the carnage scenario avails and prevails! Are we going to be unaffected and to remain strong as had had been proclaimed by our great Ministers?! With merely 120 billions reserves negligible amount to service the domestic financial markets and the social developments?! Only an expert economist is in position to suggest the benchmark with the required confidence!
What we all citizens of Malaysia appeal to the Government singularly is to, take care of the well-beings of the whole national citizenry, take care of the national economy, revamp policies and the judiciary systems to a required trend of needy fair and just, portray true spirits of universal democracy, enhance social morality and stability, keep tab on accountability and integrity and do away all misdeeds, rampant corruptions by keeping the mal-administration at bay, and in pursuit of all these, the fundamental Federal Constitutions, the social contracts must have been truthfully represented and retrospected! All that the Government needs are good governance, well adopted strategies, strive with pro-active actions and the success is not too far beyond reach! Of course, keeping all at bay the current political postures and histrionics are in one the prime requisite!
We wish to see our Great Nation to re-emerge as a good paradigm and revert to the respectable status and luster that we had had once enjoyed altogether! Provided the Nation is strong, the Nationals will only prosper!
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