Monday, October 27, 2008

" Happy Deepavali " ?!

A man takes a picture of a 'kolam' at a shopping mall in Kuala Lumpur. The kolam is believed to bring happiness and prosperity to Hindus who celebrate Deepavali today. — AP pic

Deepavali is supposed to be an auspicious day for all Malaysian Indians in the Nation to celebrate with families, friends and associates. Billions of people in the world will be celebrating this grand occasion in buffets if today, 27/10/08, is globally an official Deepavali Day. With Malaysia exempted perhaps, this day of auspicious has turned gloomy due to the many problems facing the Hindraf, the poor Indians whose welfare had been purportedly undermined and marginalized! It has to certain extent been compounded by the unpopular Home Minister, Syed Hamid Albar who just inconsiderately declared Hindraf as an outlaw and thereof clampdown on the families of Hindraf with stern actions of arrest under the Society Act, which supposedly a mild act but was exaggerated to be linked with Terrorist Act based on their usual 'ultra vires' way of misrepresenting the law! It's very disheartening to have seen law and justice in this Bolehland once again be abused and trampled on!

Ironically, those from the house of totalitarian, the PM, the ex-PM, the Ministers who rode rough shod over human rights and decimated Hindraf members brutally, rose as early birds to sing serenade and greet their Deepavali wishes likened the wicked owls' hooting! 'Happy Deepavali' spelled out from the hooked beak of the owl wouldn't it be sounded sarcastic and be felt as an insult to the suffering families?!

Anecdotally, the uncouth big mouth Sammy Vellu may have thrown big buffet to entertain his cohorts during this day of suffers by Hindraf, without his repentance to chew the cud, and take accounts of what had been gone wrong to have caused all these grievances to his brotherhoods, the Hindraf! Despite seeing all misfeasance that ever has been committed by the Authority which his big mouth can refute, he preferred to condone it, adore it! Let alone his philanthropic compassion, if any, he has further spoiled the day of introspection with his hypocritical political stance and posture!

"Happy Deepavali" ? Will all our Indian compatriots truly have the mood and heart to enjoy it in full revelry?

I do not and I believe even the Lord does not enjoy to see his subjects being discriminated and tortured, evidenced by the sun was thickly veiled behind clouds, and, judging from these so many days of gloomy and torrential rains which I view as an admonition of the Almighty to forewarn the evilly and relentless humankind in the guise of pious Muslim and loyal Government !

"To err is human". We are only humans and provided all including the Government that be could be repentant, and bring back all those alleged revolting subjects from astray, put them back to the righteous course and serve them right with the prerequisite freedom, justice and fair democracy only to find respects and stalwart supports whole heartedly from the rakyat, will surely culminate in the true spirit of "Happy Deepavali and A Prosperous Malaysia" all in together!

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