In the august Parliament House of Malaysia, heated debates were in crossfire exchanges yesterday. The veteran Opposition leader from
Lim Kit
Siang was in his furore, queried the Finance Minister, the PM in waiting
Najib Razak wanting a clarification from him to convince the public on why should he award a procurement contract to
Eurocopter for an order of 12 units
Cougar EC 725 helicopters at a total contract price of RM2.317 billions, which is suspected to be overpriced and an alleged mark-up of over RM1.30 billions in excess! Such price difference was based on the relative comparison between the highest and the lowest in the bid prices of the tenders. An exorbitant in
pecuniary value of RM1.30 billions is a huge amount of monies which, if used in the much more proper causes, to help those live on or below the poverty line, each household can conveniently receive RM 1,300.00 to help ease the pressures they face during the critical time of recession and an aid to help combat the spiraling
inflation! Shouldn't
Najib consider this as the topmost priority than the purchase of flying machines which is of no dire needs?!
agreeing with
Lim Kit
Siang's duty-bound statement, being one of the tax payers group, I too find it curious to ask the Minister concerned why now amid the anticipated financial crisis, should he decide to award the contract with such exorbitant amount to purchase the flying machines at this juncture of time?! Had he found it alarming due to the looming invasion of global financial fire-storms which required the deployment of advanced helicopters to defend and slug it out?! Or had he found it needing and necessary for him to sign and seal the contract prior to his leaving the office of Defence to his new portfolio of Finance Minister? He has to do it so hastily due to some personal reasons or what is the rational behind?! Would it be possibly another scheming contract created as the money churning machine to roll out goodies to grease the electoral college, to facilitate his plan to the procurement of nominations and votes to the highest position in
Umno?! It goes without saying as this is not a new topic but an old tradition in
Umno politics! It will be hard for
Najib to convince the intellectual public to believe that during every
Umno election, the award of sky-rocketing contract rates are not embedded with hidden costs, and it is a mere co-incidence the award of mega contract falling in the election time duration!
All these
mal-practices and manipulated transactions had been the open card games so frequently played under the spotlight. Due to inter-collaboration amongst the
BN components, they were kept as the open secrets and no one opposition party had been capable of washing the dirty linen in the public due to their mosquito voice and also their trivial minority! Perhaps also, it's due to some other reasons which were beyond any knowledge of the public that allowed the
corrupters to sneak out from the leeway unchecked each time and too often! According to some unverified sources, the monies siphoned and absconded to overseas bank had been more than trillions ringgit in amounts cumulative! Those were the jobs of the retired Ministers, virtually they are also the looters, the once very famous and notorious politicians who formed the powers that be!
The poor citizenry or the
Rakyat are at the receiving end, chewing bitter pills yet unrelieved of themselves the suffers from all those ailments of the Nation! Knowing all those political foul plays,
inappropriation of national
wealths, plundering and looting acts if not checked at all, eventually will ruin and grave the whole Country in no time! Yet nothing can be done! Other than expressing concerns of
protestings and
whinings, there seems to be of little effect to rectify and remedy the situation, only to see it deteriorating and plunging deeper and deeper into the mire! The peoples continue to suffer, the politicians continue to posture with their ever convincing hypocritical stance, they continue to capitalize from the ever never be stripped
prestiges and the prerogatives of tooling on the archaic, the unabated draconian laws to gag and suppress the
rakyat from becoming dissidents! The evidence of
Raja Petra
Kamarudin or
RPK emerged as one of the most influential and notorious dissidents who has belief in total freedom, justice, peace and anti-corruptions proponent had been immediately stone killed and put under captive! When no law was capable of accusing him of any crime, they the power that be simply threw him down by brute force, condemned him with the unbecoming penalty of categorized
phemous to religion, the most absurd and bare bone accusation only to prove their own
phemous with such misrepresentation of tenets which has had drawn flaks from the Muslim community! It has caused the Country to become a world class laughing stock as well!
Awaken and come around with so many sober minds, the bugle of alert for the war of reformation has been blown, the decent
Rakyat with
RPK on the vanguard, with
Dato Zaid Ibrahim on the right flank, the vocal voices of Change have been thrown high to the sky beyond the land! It's going to be a peaceful and long term struggle, by critics and by peaceful protests! Lest we are provoked, we are being pushed to the limit, the peaceful struggle will prevail and prevalent until success is won!
Only the most feudalistic and despotic Government will believe that it is a
spontaneous and short lived struggle. Only they will believe that by
adamant oppressive measures of iron fists will subdue the burning
desires of the desperate
Rakyat the needs of Change for betterment! And only the decent public will believe time has come ripe for the desired Change that we all longing for! For the sake of the Nation, for the sake of the succeeding
younger generations, the struggle must be resolutely undying until and unless we have seen a new Malaysia, a clean in politics and
universally democratic Malaysia! This is our promise!