Five years is a long time. Five years is long enough time to produce a kid to enrol standard one primary school. Five years in Japan is also long enough time for their transport department to declare a Japanese car a scrap and throws it in limbo!
After 308, it came 505, and 5 solid years had past!
In Penang, the oblivious Penangites have begun to wake up a little, the aunties who suffered the charm of the 'tokong' have also stopped jerking and bounced back to the reality of life to discover they had been played by the back, by one they adored very much....!
Some Tanjung Bungah residents have forced to show their faces and disgruntles in the press interview easing their pent up emotions! Readers could feel the smouldering were amid their comments, or rather great disapproval of the once looked innocent and smirking baby face, has begun to give people impression that - a smirking of fox - is so familiar!
In the name of green and clean environment fighter, and saviour, the hypocritical politicians of the day have never failed to spray pepper into the local residents' eyes with intend to blind their sighting of natural landscapes being destroyed to give way for developments. So much so, more and more ignorant Penangites begin to agree that the so-called Pro Rakyat CAT is indeed another Pro Developer, good buddy to the greedy and unscrupulous developers they only see nothing of the rakyat's but, their own well beings!
Trees cut down from the hill slopes to make way for the concrete forests! Rubbish dump site by the beach front has been made into construction site and diesel fumes of the bulldozers had made the fresh sea breeze no more! Soon, residents will see more nuisance of strangers influx and the roaring vehicles to conquer their once a serene and unruffled dwelling village!
Only the hypocritical capitalist government and their cronies would pose with glee, hands on shoulders, intimate like swanker, cheekily proclaim - another people's project - it's all for you!.....
This is how they develop our Pearl of the Orient into a dying pearl which is losing its lustre day by day!
Shouldn't all the pea brains Penangites wake up now to tell the swankpot baby face what we actually want?! Shouldn't we all tell him off - "Hey look! We need no 'tokong' here! Roll back to lick Cheng Ho's toe and leave us alone!"
Woeful Penang, my homeland!
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