Thursday, January 8, 2009

Hamas is to be blamed as well !

War is fiendish, war is cruel and the victims are always subject to the citizenry and the innocent hoi-polloi! The children are the most ignorant and sympathetic, fragile and totally unfair before they really see the world had been killed prematurely in the war of this kind created by their ‘holy leaders’! Callously using them as the ante in the war of lulling international compassion towards humanitarian ground - Hamas, is the most inhuman political faction tantamount to terrorist indoctrinated!

Let alone history, Israel is seemed to be fighting a war of survival and retaliated to combat Hamas which opted to declare war first by breaking the peace treaty, by lobbing salvo of rockets into Israel land, killing innocent civilians of Israelis and inflicted great fears for their nationals at the border zone! Any responsible Government will do that to fight back for the sake of protecting the Country and the safety of the Nationals, what’s wrong with Israel, I truly doubt?!

When Hamas became the underdog and the leaders went on hiding, pushed the civilians to the forefront as human shield facing the Israeli shelling, surely inflicted will be the innocent children and civilians as casualties, and casualties are on both sides! Can anyone just blame the upper hand Israel of being merciless when during the war, the strongest survive, to kill and to annihilate is the principle to victory of the war, unwanted though, is the rule of the game!

Sensible leaders and politicians are always taking into consideration the welfare and well beings of their subjects and shall not act like terrorists, despicably lead their Nationals to doom - Hamas is to be blamed for doing the Gaza peoples misfortunes and plights, by inducing the revenge of Israeli air strikes to annihilate the rockets launching site in Gaza Strip and so on!

“When one takes a broad survey of the country, he will find that the most useful and influential people in it are those who take the deepest interest in institutions that exist for the purpose of making the world better.” - Booker T. Washington (1856-1915).

Did Hamas behave alike?


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